Our client was looking for a way to engage with clients and prospects during lockdown, and asked Industry for some options.
Industry proposed a cheese and wine tasting, to be hosted by our partners, Taste of the Vine.
To engage prospective guests, Industry provided:
+ Invitation schedule email copy
+ Hosted registration page
+ Up to date reporting on guest registration
Registrations for this event quickly reached the target of 40 guests and the client opted to up the limit to 70, which was achieved shortly thereafter
The event itself
Ahead of the event, all registered guests were sent a pack of wines and cheeses to their home addresses, along with tasting notes for the selected wines.
Our hosts provided an evening of entertaining conversation, along with a fun quiz for the guests to take part in, while they sampled the various wines and cheeses.
Of the 70 guests registered, over 60 attended the session, and the post event communications generated some fantastic replies, thanking our client for inviting them and saying just how much they enjoyed the event